NKG General Assembly
A General Assembly of the NKG is arranged every fourth year in one of the Nordic countries as the host. The purpose of the General Meetings is both to appoint members of the Presidium and chairpersons for the Working groups and to give the members possibilities of a fruitful gathering and mutual exchange of professional views and experiences. See the sub-menus for the following General Assembly information.
17: Gothenburg, Sweden, 1. – 4. September 2014
16: Sundvollen, Norway, 27-20 September, 2010
15: Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 May-2 June, 2006
14: Espoo, Finland, 1-5 October, 2002
13: Gävle, Sweden, 25-29 May, 1998
12: Ullensvang, Norway, 30 May-3 June, 1994
11: Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-11 May, 1990
10: Helsinki, Finland, 29 September-3 October, 1986
9: Gävle, Sweden, 13-17 September, 1982
8: Oslo, Norway, 2-6 May, 1978
7: Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-10 May, 1974
6: Helsinki, Finland, 11-15 May, 1970
5: Stockholm, Sweden, 25-29 April, 1966
4: Oslo, Norway, 14-18 May, 1962
3: Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-30 May, 1959
2: Helsinki, Finland, 11-15 April, 1956
1: Stockholm, Sweden, 16-19 April, 1953